In addition to being endorsed by Newport Mesa Federation of Teachers, she is also supported by a growing number of parents and civic leaders
Lou Correa, Congressman
Leticia Clark, Mayor, City of Tustin
Andrea Marr, City of Costa Mesa Councilwoman
Arlis Reynolds, City of Costa Mesa Councilwoman
Ashley Anderson, NMUSD Trustee
Michelle Murphy, NMUSD Trustee
Art Perry, Costa Mesa Sanitary District Member
Charlene Ashendorf, Costa Mesa Arts Commission
Randy Barth, Community Leader
America Bracho, Community Leader
Vanessa Cerrahoglu, Math Educator
Belinda de la Libertad, K-12 Parent & Business Owner
Sarah Mooney, NMUSD Parent
Martha O'Meara, Retired Educator
Lucy Santana-Ornelas, Community Leader
Laurie Smith, Retired Teacher
...and many, many more Parents, Neighbors and Community leaders ...